Help after car accident in Germany

What to do after a road accident- a collision in Germany, in order to quickly receive a full compensation from the German insurance company with the perpetrator’s vehicle insurance.


A road accident in Germany, in which a Polish citizen was injured by no fault of his own, often raises a great unknown and anxiety related to the lack of knowledge about the rules of conduct after an accident abroad. Any driver going to Germany from Poland should remember, however, that the rules of conduct after a car accident in Germany differ significantly from the rules of conduct after an accident in Poland.

After an accident in Germany, the most important rules for the participants of the event include: securing the place of an accident or collision, providing first aid to injured persons, determining the details of the perpetrator’s personal data or road collision in Germany (e.g. filling out the statement on the accident) and then choosing a car appraiser who will make a technical opinion and calculate the damage.

Accident in Germany – What to do?

Rules of conduct after an accident or road collision in Germany:

  1. After an accident in Germany, the event’s participant should unconditionally stop the vehicle he is driving and, if necessary, provide the assistance to all injured persons (e.g. move them to a safe place or perform resuscitation). Subsequently, after the accident, the relevant services should be notified, i.e. police (tel. no 110), ambulance service (tel. no 112 or 19222) and, if possible, the place of the road accident should be secured (e.g. you should turn on emergency lights, set warning triangles).


  1. Determine the data of the perpetrator of the incident and write down the details of any event witnesses. If you were not the perpetrator of an accident or collision, you should first note the car’s registration number, name of the perpetrator, home address, insurance policy number and name of his insurance company. If you have the correct form in English or German, you can also fill out a joint statement on the road accident. However, in no case should any documents be missing which are incomprehensible or illegible to the injured party, and even more so do not sign confirmation of guilt, i.e. Schuldbekenntnis.


  1. The next step is to call for roadside assistance – if the vehicle is slightly damaged or completely damaged and is not suitable for continuing to drive.


  1. As soon as possible, after dealing with formalities related to the traffic accident, you should also contact a selected car appraiser or professional lawyer (e.g. from the MOTOEXPERT network – tel. no +49 160 338 833), who will deal with reporting damage, assessing the damage to the vehicle and starting the liquidation procedure aiming to pay full accident compensation to the injured party.


WARNING! For the injured party, the costs of the services of the independent German appraiser MOTOEXPERT and the lawyer fall under the scope of German motor damage and are covered by the insurance company of the perpetrator of the event or reimbursed to the injured party.

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