Who should bear the towing costs?

Cars accident can happen to even the best driver. Just a moment of inattention, or the influence of external factors and a road collision may occur. An additional problem may be the fact that an accident on the road will happen in another country, for example in the now popular country like Germany. Good quality roads in Germany significantly reduce the number of accidents on the road, but it is not always possible to avoid them because drivers on the road have different types of driving skills.

A car accident is often associated with numerous vehicle damage that prevents you from continuing your journey. Of course, the injured person has the right to request a roadside assistance that will allow the car to be towed to the appropriate parking lot or workshop where the damage will be repaired. All costs are reimbursed by the offender’s insurer together with the payment of compensation. However, it should be remembered that you must have an appropriate invoice, which will be able to be presented to the insurer. Only on the basis of such a document will he be able to reimburse the costs incurred.

Should the car be transported to Poland?

Towing a car is one of the more expensive services offered by roadside assistance, therefore using it requires proper consideration. It is not recommended to transport the car to the home country in order to determine the amount of damage, as this may adversely affect the relationship with the insurance company, which included the policy of the perpetrator of an accident on the road in Germany. There is a risk that he will refer to specific provisions contained in the insurance contract, which clearly indicate that repair costs should not be increased or damage already caused should not be increased. Then there may be a situation when the company refuses to pay for transport costs, which can be very high.

The best solution is to use the opinion of an independent appraiser in Germany and, if possible, repair the car at the appropriate service center or workshop. The quality of such repair will certainly not depart from the prevailing standards and you will get a functional car, as long as it was functional before the car accident. Towing a car from Germany is calculated only when a road accident occurred near the Polish border. The small number of kilometers does not have to adversely affect the decision to compensate the perpetrator’s insurance company. However, it is worth making sure in advance that all costs associated with towing the car by road assistance will be reimbursed.


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