German technical appraisal after road accident in Germany 

Accident in Germany often happens to foreign drivers who, whilst on the territory of Germany, travel in vehicles on the foreign registration plates (e.g. French, Italian, Dutch). Often also foreign drivers take part in the car accidents in Germany, that are not their fault, during which their vehicle is damaged and destroyed. In the situation where the car accident on the territory of Germany took place at no fault of the foreign driver, s/he has the right to claim compensation from the offending driver – from his third party personal insurance policy.


Each person injured in a car accident in Germany also has the right to choose the method of settling the motor insurance claim caused by the road accident on the territory of Germany. The foreign drivers injured in Germany can generally undertake the claim settlement procedure either with the German insurer of the offending driver, or settle the claim after returning to the country of residence.  If the car accident took place in Germany, the injured at no fault of their own foreign driver also has the right to choose an independent car expert, who will value the post-accident damages. Additionally, the injured drivers can use during the claim settlement procedure the legal aid of their chosen lawyer.


The valuation of post-car accident damages in Germany is dealt with by the MOTOEXPERT network. Bringing together the qualified car experts, this organisation is able to perform through them the fully independent valuation of the damages caused by the car accident in Germany. The MOTOEXPERT car technology experts perform comprehensive technical reviews establishing the value and scope of resulting damages of the vehicle. Thanks to partner car experts of the network it is possible to evaluate the damage directly on the territory of Germany, through a German car technology expert, who is the partner of the organisation.


If a car accident in Germany caused a damage of high value or a luxury vehicle was damaged, every injured person who contacts the MOTOEXPERT network can count on a fully independent valuation of damages, prepared by a German car expert. The German appraiser, while providing technical appraisal after car accident on the territory of Germany, takes into account the law of the place the event took place and German rates per working hour. Therefore, the person who had an accident in Germany that was not their fault, can count on a lucrative amount of compensation and settlement of expertise costs on the basis of the so-called assignment of receivables. 


If you are a person injured in the car accident in Germany that was not your fault or you wish to obtain further information on the valuation of damages after an accident abroad, please telephone the MOTOEXPERT network on: +49 0911 990 4461. We will be happy to answer your questions and, if necessary, we will be able to recommend you the most convenient way of settling the claim.  Additionally – in selected cases – we can recommend you the services of lawyers and legal advisers who are partners of our organisation, who represent persons injured in car accidents in Germany that were not their fault. 


Car valuation after accident in Germany – Car accident abroad

*The above-mentioned text is not a legal advice, but merely reflects our practical experience. In order to ensure the legal status, the legal advice is necessary each time, e.g. given by a lawyer from the list of lawyers cooperating with the MOTOEXPERT network.

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